Engineers’ talk: Tools and Building with Robert Schiele – MES013

Tools and building in large scale projects

Tools and Building

This episode is about building, maintaining and distributing tools and operating system in large scale projects. With Robert Schiele an expert on all this kind of topics stays with me. He is senior specialist for developing OS-tools, providing toolchains and building operating systems.

Robert provides dedicated and verbose insights into the Linux Kernel and the Linux Operating System in particular. He’s one of the guys I know who is eagerly engaged into the OpenSource-community.

In his current role he maintains development tools and OpenSource components for a global mobile network supplier. His main task is to provide running build-systems, tool-chains, toolsets and root-filesystems.

He has seen and resolved a lot of problems when providing tools and operating systems. Especially for large scale systems and multiple hardware platforms in multi-site environments.

We’re talking about build-systems, root file systems, native and cross building.
We tackle observable problems with distributed environments.
We discuss about struggles with multiple hardware platforms.
And we give you a close look into the way how well prepared tools-provisioning saves you time and prevents waste.

Essential Know-How Provided In This Episode:

  • What are the main challenges when building large scale systems?
  • How can a good building system support you or waste your time dramatically?
  • When to prefer individual build-system over stock products?
  • How to handle circular dependencies?
  • Why is it a very bad idea to put timestamps into your code?
  • What are the benefits of supporting a hardware platform you’re not even using?
  • And much much more

Selected Links and Resources From This Episode

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