How to run a task-force better than others? – MES012

How to run a task-force?

This third part of the task-force mini-series emphasizes the main part of a task-force – running the task-force.

After invitation and preparation of the task-force you only have done the very first step of task-forcing. In fact these were the most simple steps. Running a task-force is for sure the most challenging part of the whole action. And therefore this is also the longest podcast-episode ever. The amount of details and information is immense. But nobody has said that task-forcing is that simple, that successful action can be explained in 2 minutes. Thus stay tuned and be inspired.

On today’s episode we walk through the gory details of task-force meetings. You will detect key-indicators showing the success of a task-force. And you will receive six how-to hints to make your task-force meeting a success.

Even if you aren’t a task-force responsible, the details given can be used for every situation you’re in charge for moderation, pushing or leading a group of individuals.

Essential Know-How Provided In This Episode:

  • How to resolve stucked situations in task-forcing?
  • Why you should not take care for technical details in a first place.
  • When do regular questions fail and process questions are more feasible?
  • Why enabling the experts supports you?
  • What does meta-level mean? And how can you use it in your task-force?
  • How to overcome your next challenging situation in running your task-force?

Thank You For Listening

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