
The man with the “Leadership Mind” – Bernd Geropp – MES054

Leadership in Mind - Bernd GeroppThis episode is all about Leadership. I have Bernd Geropp with me. The man with Leadership in Mind. First of all I’m sure, everybody sooner or later comes across leading. Other leaders might affect you directly. Or you might become a leader by yourself. Because for this topic we’ll need a valid expert, I have asked Bernd to join us. Bernd Geropp is a successful consultant, inspiring trainer, and empathic coach for leadership. He’s a former company owner who has found his purpose in making better leaders.

Bernd leads German podcasting scene for Leadership topics. In Mehr Fuehren – Führung auf den Punkt gebracht” which is More leadership – Leading in a nutshell he contributes worthwhile details every week.

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