
9 surprisingly simple tips to improve your communcation – MES049

9 surprisingly simple tips to improve your communicationYou were misunderstood.

Although you have spent a lot of effort to be precise and clear. But nevertheless somehow your counterpart has horribly misunderstood you. And now you’re in big trouble. Perhaps your spouse interpreted your “Nice” for the new dress as inadequate. Or there was this tone of desinterest in your voice. Or you just run into this ugly problem at work and your mind is still in the office. You all remember what happens after such situation. Something has gone wrong. How can we avoid such kind of situation?

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Say YES to your pain and step out of your Comfort Zone – MES048

Step Out of your Comfort ZoneIt’s a pity.

That most of us find their best time in staying in their Comfort Zone. In this hammock of regular habits. Full of cosy feelings, thoughts and emotions. Of course, we all have our regular habits, the routins. In the morning in the bathroom or in the evening going to bed. We also follow our inner boosters telling us to be perfect, punctual, or push ourselves and hurry up. But it’s really sad, that we regularly get stuck in this zone. Read more

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Out of all the podcasts available in the Internet you tuned into mine, and I’m grateful for that. If you enjoyed the episode, please share it by using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of this note. Also, I would be very happy if you would consider taking the minute it takes to leave an honest review or rating for the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the podcast. For sure I read every single one of them personally! Or, if you prefer a more direct contact, don't hesitate and drop me a note at feedback@embeddedsuccess.com

Avoid managing your time – MES047

Avoid Time-ManagementAvoid managing your time – MES047

This is the first episode of my new mini-series “Improve Yourself”. This series is based on the results of my last survey on my podcast listeners. We’ll start today with the episode of Time-Management.

Is it really possible to manage time? To do Time-Management? I do not think so. Because time is something we cannot impact or manipulate. The only thing we can do is to change our way to experience time passing by. Read more

Thank You For Listening

Out of all the podcasts available in the Internet you tuned into mine, and I’m grateful for that. If you enjoyed the episode, please share it by using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of this note. Also, I would be very happy if you would consider taking the minute it takes to leave an honest review or rating for the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the podcast. For sure I read every single one of them personally! Or, if you prefer a more direct contact, don't hesitate and drop me a note at feedback@embeddedsuccess.com