Tech Chat: How tools can relief your pain in Requirements Engineering – MES042

Joachim ReinkeIn episode #38 I have already had the pleasure to welcome Joachim Reinke. Joachim is an expert in requirements engineering. In episode 38 he explained the reasons why we definitely need requirements engineering.

And today I’m happy that we managed to continue our talk. We’re discussing the big pain points in Requirements Engineering. And how it is possible to relief this pain. But we also needed to back up a little bit to grab the bigger picture.

First we identified the main points in Requirements Engineering. In a second step we jumped into the details how to select an appropriate tool to support you in maintaining requirements. It’s not that easy to find the right tool. Because there a several aspects you need to consider. For example you will regularly not establish such a tool on the greenfield. There will be environmental conditions, limitations and constraints which might bother you.And here Joachim’s list of 9 important bullets for selecting an RE-tool will become very helpful.

Stay with me and enjoy the chat.

Essential Answers Provided In This Episode For:

  • How can a tool support us with RE?
  • Why are pain-points that essential in RE?
  • Why your remembering becomes the first pain point?
  • How to use the pain factor to introduce RE?
  • Why should superiors not force particular RE-tools be taken into use?
  • How to cope with the zoo of different tools?
  • What requirements do we have for any RE-tool?
  • How to convince the management to get an appropriate RE-tool?
  • And much much more.

Selected Links and Resources From This Episode

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