How to Survive Death March Projects? (Part 1) – MES039

How to survive Death March Projects Part 1Hopefully you guys remember Episode 37 Hopefully you guys remember episode 37. We talked about Death March projects. How to identify them. What their characteristics are. The reasons they happen. And about your decision to stay for them.

Today’s episode emphasizes the four major aspects how to survive a Death March project. In this context surviving more means to stay psychologically unharmed than physically shattered. Regularly these four aspects appear in certain combinations. That’s the reason you need to know all four of them to get the whole picture.

Today I will present you the first of these aspects. We’re talking about negotiations in Death March projects. There are not only rational negotiations – the one you might know from your daily life. But there are also negotiation games and special trade-offs to put your free. In a first I will give you some additional support to make your decision whether to stay or leave a Death March project at all.

Stay tuned and be inspired.


Essential Answers Provided In This Episode For:

  • Who are the political players involved into the project?
  • What’s the basic nature, the “style” of a project?
  • What are the levels of commitment of your project participants?
  • What are rational negotiations?
  • How to play negotiating games?
  • What kind of negotiating games do we have?
  • What are some good trade-off’s or countermeasures?
  • What can you do if the negotiation games fail?
  • How to achieve better LinkedIn connection request success rate
  • And much much more.

Selected Links and Resources From This Episode

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