Tech Chat: Virtualization in Embedded Systems – MES034

Baurzhan Ismagulov

Baurzhan Ismagulov

Tech Chat: Virtualization in Embedded Systems with Baurzhan Ismagulov and Alexander Smirnov

Today we’re talking about virtualization in Embedded Systems. This is particularly different from host-based virtualization. For that reason I wanted to welcome major experts in this special area: Baurzhan Ismagulov and Alexander Smirnov from Ilbers – Technology for better life.

Ilbers provides Mango – a bare-metal Type 1 hypervisor. If you do not understand a word what this means – jump back to the previous episode #33 of the MES-podcast Combining the Uncombinable and fill up your missing knowledge. Mango was nominated for the Embedded Award 2015 at the Embedded World exhibition in Nuremberg. They have created a great piece of software which will provide a lot of benefit into embedded projects.

Alexander Smirnov

Alexander Smirnov

Already at the Embedded World I have had an amazing talk at their booth. But how much more deeper do we get into our todays tech-chat. We’re tackling the main use cases for using virtualization: combination and isolation. We’re discussing the main feature of Mango, as there are: static partitioning, bounded latency, no scheduler and a marvellous small footprint. And we come up with the general pros and cons of virtualization in embedded systems. For the latter have a look at Alexander’s talk at the Embedded Conference Scandinavia last year.

For all the ones out there who believe in doing things by themselves. Here’s the deal: Ilbers provides a Mango-demonstrator for the BananaPI. Just study their Getting Started Manual and give it a try.

But first, stay with me and enjoy the chat.

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Virtualization – Combining the Uncombinable – MES033

VirtualizationVirtualization – Combining the Uncombinable – MES033

Today’s episode is an introduction episode. It’s introducing into the topic of the next episode. We’ve tackling the big topic of Virtualization.

Virtualizing is in. Everybody, everythings seems to be in some way virtualized. But what does it really mean? At least in the context of IT it definitely means something different as in day-by-day usage. In this episode I’ll give you the big overview and dive a little bit into some details. Details you should know when talking about virtualization on computer-systems.

Stay tuned and be inspired.

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Out of all the podcasts available in the Internet you tuned into mine, and I’m grateful for that. If you enjoyed the episode, please share it by using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of this note. Also, I would be very happy if you would consider taking the minute it takes to leave an honest review or rating for the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the podcast. For sure I read every single one of them personally! Or, if you prefer a more direct contact, don't hesitate and drop me a note at

Deadline Pressure – Seven artful ways to beat it – MES032

clockDeadline Pressure – Seven artful ways to beat it – MES032

Today I wanted to talk about deadline pressure. Everybody of us might have some experience with these special working conditions. There’s a deadline – and you have to achieve it.

In this episode I will the first time take some parts out of one of my favourite books. The first book I ever bought about “Software Engineering”. Written by Tom Gilb in 1988. It’s not named Agile or Lean, but the idea is the same. He named it “Evolutionary Delivery”. And there’s one chapter inside about Deadline Pressure.

I want to use this episode to present you some really interestic principles and ideas how to beat deadline pressure.

Some of you might be complaining that they are not ethical or not following your personal policies. No problem, then simply take them as aphorisms you can use to bias your thinking. Especially when you undergo deadline pressure you will grab for every straw and perhaps you will be very thankful remember that there was this episode. If it gives you an escape – sometimes the End justifies the Means.

Stay tuned and be inspired.

Essential Answers Provided In This Episode For:

  • What’s the problem with deadline pressure?
  • Who’s involved into deadline pressure?
  • How’s the project manager’s manager affected?
  • How’s the project manager affected?
  • How’s the project professional affected?
  • How’s the customer or user affected?
  • What are the solutions to beat deadline pressure?
  • And much much more.

Selected Links and Resources From This Episode

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Out of all the podcasts available in the Internet you tuned into mine, and I’m grateful for that. If you enjoyed the episode, please share it by using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of this note. Also, I would be very happy if you would consider taking the minute it takes to leave an honest review or rating for the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the podcast. For sure I read every single one of them personally! Or, if you prefer a more direct contact, don't hesitate and drop me a note at

Tech Chat: From SingleCore to MultiCore with Jeronimo Castrillon-Mazo – MES031

Jeronimo Castrillon-MazoTech Chat: From SingleCore to MultiCore with Jeronimo Castrillon-Mazo

Today it’s up to Jeronimo Castrillon-Mazo. We got acquainted at the Embedded World 2016 in Nuremberg. He is co-founder and adviser at Silexica. They have won the Embedded Award 2015 in the  Tools-category for SLX MultiCore Toolsuite. That drives me to visit their booth. Having an amazing talk I asked Jeronimo to appear in this podcast. Let’s have some tech-chat, widen the topic and enlarge the audience for this interesting topic.

Jeronimo has studied Electrical Engineering in Colombia, achieved his Master-degree at ALaRI-institute in Lugano, Switzerland. He has made his Ph.D. 2013 at the well known RWTH Aachen. In 2014 Jeronimo joined the department of computer science of the TU Dresden as professor for compiler construction. He has a proven track record of multi- and many-core programming. Moreover he is known as specialist within the realm of automatic code generation.

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Out of all the podcasts available in the Internet you tuned into mine, and I’m grateful for that. If you enjoyed the episode, please share it by using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of this note. Also, I would be very happy if you would consider taking the minute it takes to leave an honest review or rating for the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the podcast. For sure I read every single one of them personally! Or, if you prefer a more direct contact, don't hesitate and drop me a note at

The year starts with the Embedded World – MES030

NXP-Show-Truck 225x300The year starts with the Embedded World – MES030

The business year starts with the Embedded World! According to a  former colleague of mine it does. He has aligned his whole business activities around this exhibition. And it seems there are a lot others who are doing the same. From their perspective the Embedded World should not be underestimated.

I was visiting Nuremberg at Tuesday, the first day of the Embedded World. My main intention was to feel the course, the track, like a compass needle. Where’s the market tending to go? What are new ideas, new products? What are the manufacturers doing? Are there any trends at all?

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Thank You For Listening

Out of all the podcasts available in the Internet you tuned into mine, and I’m grateful for that. If you enjoyed the episode, please share it by using the social media buttons you see at the bottom of this note. Also, I would be very happy if you would consider taking the minute it takes to leave an honest review or rating for the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. They’re extremely helpful when it comes to the ranking of the podcast. For sure I read every single one of them personally! Or, if you prefer a more direct contact, don't hesitate and drop me a note at